Our Founder & Creative Director on Adapting to Lockdown

Our Founder & Creative Director on Adapting to Lockdown

An interview between Founder & Creative Director Fiona Myer and Melbourne Fashion Week on business as usual during lockdown.  

How has White Story adapted to lockdown?

White Story was founded on a premise to that less is more, and now more than ever it has become our mantra. Like everyone, a lot is outside of our control and our coping mechanism has been to double down on the things we do have a say on: tailored essentials for every story - Made in Melbourne, Australia.Importantly - in a mark of the times, a few weeks ago we collectively made the decision to divert our makers to masks - with a difference. Crafted from 100% Belgian linen, a sustainable fabric with naturally antibacterial properties, linen wicks moisture and dries fast, reducing the build up of pathogens. Formed with two layers of Linen and two of a lightweight fusing to further protect from droplets, our masks are designed with safety & sustainability in mind.

In a mark of solidarity, these masks are additionally made to give. For every mask sold, W.S is donating a reusable mask to The Salvation Army through Shirts on Backs, a Foundation established by Fiona under the White Story portfolio.

How are you connecting with your customers remotely?

Social and our new eDM series are our current go-to’s, we are also big phone call / video chat people. Our customers are like family and at a time while we can’t be together in person, hearing a human voice makes the world of difference.

How important is communication during this time of lockdown?

We are a small team and while our individual skillsets are good, with proper communication together we are great.

What are you and the White Story team doing to stay positive and supported during lockdown?

Though uncomfortable, Covid has been the greatest reminder that it is the community around us who really keep us positive. We are a Melbourne born, Melbourne made business, and turning five this year we are still relatively new - the support we have received from our friends and family both at home and abroad has been astounding. It has been a refreshing reminder that they are the ones we do this for.

Why is it still important to dress up and express yourself through fashion during lockdown?

While we are no strangers to leisurewear, it is refreshing to go through the ritual of getting dressed and go about our business each day, no matter how strange the world seems. Style is a form of expression, and particularly during lockdown it’s a sense of ourselves that is a little luxury. It is our signature pieces that have become our unofficial lockdown uniform in the studio - well-made essentials in natural fibres, made by local craftsman - with a linen mask, always.

Do you think this lockdown period will influence future designs? If so, how so?

Partly yes, partly no. I'm a big believer in timeless classics that transcend seasons, while the other part can’t help but feel the natural craving we all have for comfort that is defining the current moment. My prediction is that we’ll naturally continue to move towards a slower fashion model that is more sustainably minded, paired with a greater utility in the pieces that allow them to feel as good as they look.

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